Monday, March 23, 2009

Burger King - Burger Shots

MD DRINK: $1.79
TAX: $0.43
TOTAL: $6.91

To my surprise, the new BK Burger Shots were a lot of fun to eat and taste better than their full size burgers. I had yet another dumb woman mess my order up though. She asked if I wanted to make it a meal and I said, "Yes." She proceeded to give me my total without asking what I wanted to drink so I said a medium Dr.Pepper to make sure she wouldn't give me coke or something diet. Turns out she didn't charge me for a combo meal; which means no fries :( Luckily the burger shots were filling enough. I rate them 4/5 stars; not to bring a bias in here but I couldn't see BK producing any food that would get 5/5.

Friday, March 20, 2009

McDonald's Sausage Egg and Cheese McGriddle

TAX: $0.28
TOTAL = $4.47

Same quality as the last time I got the McGriddle. This time I was able to get OJ because they were out last week. Unfortunately for me, there was FREE waffles, doughnuts and fruit when I arrived at work :( If only I was better informed than after the fact...

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Burger King - Chicken Fries Meal

TAX: $0.45
TOTAL: $7.14

Yet again, I failed at eating something healthy for lunch. I blame myself for not trying hard enough and being lazy. As far as the food goes, the chicken fries were awesome, especially dipped in their BBQ sauce! Crispy, hot and fresh... just like your mom. J/K, but really, the fries were average and they managed to stay warm through the entire photo shoot. I give this meal 4/5 because it was good, but nothing special to put it at the top.

7-Eleven Doughnuts

SINTON'S 2% MILK: $1.49
TAX: $0.10
TOTAL: $3.57

I never had a doughnut at 7-11 before so I decided to try it because there isn't any doughnut shops by my work. They were a little on the dry side, pretty pricy and the chocolate didn't have much flavor. Therefore, 3/5 stars.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Chipotle - Chicken Burrito

TAX: $0.40
TOTAL = $6.35

Chipotle burritos are just one of those foods that has no substitute when you're craving it! The weird thing I have noticed is that each restaurant tastes a little different (I have eaten at over 20 different locations). Today I had a chicken burrito with rice, pinto beans, green sauce, sour cream and cheese (no guacamole cause I'm broke). I was slightly disappointed because the chicken had a lot of fat in it. This dropped the, what is usually flawless, 5 stars down to 4. I blame the 4/5 stars on the fact that there were only white people cooking the food. Don't get me wrong or drop the "PC (politically correct)" on me, but I find the food is better when Central American workers cook and assemble it.

Oh, and don't worry, I re-wrapped the foil around the burrito and ate it the "proper" way.


TAX: $0.60
TOTAL: $9.59

Unfortunately for me, I needed some of these bad boys today because my nose has been running like a marathon and I've been sneezing like a hurricane! I took two tablets and so far my symptoms have ceased. We'll see how long that lasts...

Strawberry Granola Yogurt Parfait


The cafe at my work had this parfait in one of the glass cases, so I decided to give it a try. Considering my second choice would have been doughnuts, this was definitely a healthy alternative. It was pretty delicious, the only thing was the strawberries were mushy. Im pretty sure it has been sitting in the case for a couple of days. Nevertheless, I give it a 4 out of 5 stars.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Chick-fil-A Chicken Sandwich Meal


LG DRINK: $1.65
TAX: $0.47
TOTAL: $6.42

If you have ever eaten at Chick-fil-A, then you know the chicken sandwich is NOTHING without the mayonnaise! So guess what... the DUMB WOMAN forgot the mayonnaise packet after I told her at the drive-thru window!!! That automatically dropped the score by 1 star. She did however manage to remember to put the Chick-fil-A sauce in the bag; if you haven't tried it, I would highly recommend getting it next time. Also, the fries were a little soggy, which is rare for CFA. I have a conspiracy that the salt on their fries is mixed with crack and it's also sprinkled in their deep fryers... it's the only way to explain why it's so addicting! 

Monday, March 16, 2009

Burger King - French Toast Sticks Meal

TOTAL = roughly $4.47
First off, the dumb lady failed to give me a receipt so I'm not sure what the exact total was. As far as the breakfast goes, the hash browns were soggy and greasy. Don't be deceived by the photo, the French Toast Sticks were hard, chewy and got cold fast. The only decent thing was the orange juice which was not that cold :( BK, you did this to yourself... 2 stars.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Subway 5 Dollar Footlong - Turkey Breast & Ham


TAX: $0.34
TOTAL: $5.34

Three words... 5 Dollar Footlong! I believe I finally succeeded at eating something healthy for lunch. Today I got a Turkey Breast & Ham Footlong on wheat bread (healthier than white bread right?) with American cheese, black olives, cucumber, mayonnaise, salt and pepper. It was very delicious and filling. The bread was a little dry but it was still tasty and I don't have that groggy, "I feel like crap, why did I eat that greasy wad they call food" feeling  after. So for overall value, taste and convenience,  I rate it a 5 star! 

McDonald's Sausage Egg and Cheese McGriddle


McGriddle & HASH BROWN: $3.19
TAX: $0.28
TOTAL: $4.47

Breakfast time! For the record, I HATE McDonald's! The only thing I will ever eat there is their breakfast. As usual, I ordered the sausage, egg and cheese McGriddle with a Poweraide. The hash brown is not shown because I was too hungry and ate it before I snapped the picture. The sandwich and hash browns were good as usual, but they weren't amazing. That's why it only gets four stars.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Wendy's Mandarin Chicken Salad


SALAD: $4.99
LG DRINK: $1.99
TAX: $0.47
TOTAL = $7.45

This was the first time I have ventured into the salad realm at Wendy's, so I figured what the heck I'll try it...

The lettuce was descent, the mandarins were mushy (more so than usual), the chicken was satisfactory, and the almonds were awesome! The only reason it gets a 2-star is because the Oriental Sesame dressing was disgusting which ultimately ruined the entire salad! Definitely not worth $7.45!

Intro to the blog-o-sphere

This blog is quite simple, I wanted a way to keep track of the fast food* I consume each day. I am trying to eat healthier and be more money conscious, especially in today's economy. I will post a picture of the fast food I eat, where it's from, how much it costs, and I will also give it a rating. 

*I define fast food as any place that does not have waiters or waitresses.